Mark Meteor
On a routine test flight of a new Space Shuttle, a mysterious wormhole opened up and MARK ALLEN’S father’s ship was lost. Determined to find him, Mark is able to steal an experimental Space Shuttle and streak into the void. But something goes wrong… The Shuttle spins hopelessly out of control and disappears into another wormhole where he is flung into another galaxy 10 million lightyears away from earth!
Crash-landing on a small planet, Mark finds himself trapped in the middle of an interplanetary CIVIL WAR. A group of Imperial Soldiers are about to kill him, crush him with a tank thinking he is one of the rebels when suddenly…something STRANGE happens. Instead of crushing him as the tank rolls over him, Mark is completely UNHARMED. The tank succeeds in merely ripping his space suit. Mark then lifts the tank off of him with his bare hands throws it several yards away!
It seems that the atmosphere on this alien planet, or maybe even the physics of this galaxy, has granted Mark amazing SUPER-POWERS! He is now invulnerable to harm, strong enough to lift half a mountain and can leap 5 miles through the air. It is at this point that Mark meets a young alien girl, Princes Yai’El, who is running from the imperial forces of the planet. She tells him that her father, the true ruler of the Kre’Lar Empire, has been taken prisoner and must be restored to power if the galaxy is to be united again. Dubbed “Mark Meteor” by the rebels because he fell from the sky, Mark decides to join Yai’El and her ragtag band of freedom fighters to save the galaxy from tyranny while still on his mission to find his missing father.